Compare YugabyteDB to other databases
See how YugabyteDB compares with other operational databases in the distributed SQL and NoSQL categories. For a detailed comparison, click the database name.
Distributed SQL databases
Feature | CockroachDB | TiDB | Vitess | Amazon Aurora | Google Cloud Spanner | YugabyteDB |
Horizontal write scalability (with auto-sharding and rebalancing) | ||||||
Automated failover & repair | ||||||
Distributed ACID transactions | ||||||
SQL Foreign Keys | ||||||
SQL Joins | ||||||
Serializable isolation level | ||||||
Global consistency across multi-DC/regions | ||||||
Follower reads | ||||||
Built-in enterprise features (such as CDC) | ||||||
SQL compatibility | PostgreSQL | MySQL | MySQL | MySQL, PostgreSQL | Proprietary | PostgreSQL |
Open Source | Apache 2.0 | Apache 2.0 | Apache 2.0 |
NoSQL databases
Feature | MongoDB | FoundationDB | Apache Cassandra | Amazon DynamoDB | MS Azure CosmosDB | YugabyteDB |
Horizontal write scalability (with auto-sharding and rebalancing) | ||||||
Automated failover & repair | ||||||
Distributed ACID transactions | ||||||
Consensus-driven, strongly-consistent replication | ||||||
Strongly-consistent secondary indexes | ||||||
Multiple read consistency levels | ||||||
High data density | ||||||
API | MongoDB QL | Proprietary KV, MongoDB QL | Cassandra QL | Proprietary KV, Document | Cassandra QL, MongoDB QL | Yugabyte Cloud QL w/ native document modeling |
Open Source | Apache 2.0 | Apache 2.0 | Apache 2.0 |
The or with respect to any particular feature of a third-party database is based on our best effort understanding from publicly available information. Readers are always recommended to perform their own independent research to understand the finer details.