v2.2 Release series
Included here are the notable new features and enhancements and the release notes for all releases in the current v2.2 stable release series.
New release versioning
Starting with v2.2.0, Yugabyte follows a new release versioning convention. Stable release series are denoted byMAJOR.EVEN
, introduce new features and changes added since the previous stable release series, and are supported for production deployments. Patch releases, denoted by MAJOR.EVEN.PATCH
, include bug fixes and revisions that do not break backwards compatibility.
For more information, see Releases overview.
Upgrading from 1.3
Prior to v2.0, YSQL was still in beta. Upon release of v2.0, a backward-incompatible file format change was made for YSQL. For existing clusters running pre-2.0 release with YSQL enabled, you cannot upgrade to v2.0 or later. Instead, export your data from existing clusters and then import the data into a new cluster (v2.0 or later).Notable features and enhancements
Here is an overview of all notable features and enhancements added to the current v2.2 stable release series, recommended for production deployments. For features added in specific releases, see Release notes below.
Transactional distributed backups
YugabyteDB now supports distributed backup and restore of YSQL databases, including backup of all tables in a database. #1139 and #3849
Online index backfills
- YugabyteDB can now build indexes on non-empty tables while online, without failing other concurrent writes. When you add a new index to a table that is already populated with data, you can now use the YSQL
statement to enable building these indexes in an online manner, without requiring downtime. For details how online backfill of indexes works, see the Online Index Backfill design document. - Backfilling an index while online is disable by default. To enable online index backfilling, set the
flag tofalse
when starting YB-TServers. Note: Do not use this flag in a production cluster yet. For details on how this works, see Online Index Backfill
Colocated tables
Database-level colocation for YSQL, which started as a beta feature in the 2.1 release, is now generally available in the 2.2 release. Traditional RDBMS modeling of parent-child relationships as foreign key constraints can lead to high-latency JOIN
queries in a geo-distributed SQL database. This is because the tablets (or shards) containing the child rows might be hosted in nodes, availability zones, and regions different from the tablets containing the parent rows. By using colocated tables, you can let a single tablet be shared across all tables. Colocation can also be at the overall database level, where all tables of a single database are located in the same tablet and managed by the same Raft group. Note that tables that you do not want to reside in the overall database’s tablet because of the expectation of large data volume can override the feature at table creation time and hence get independent tablets for themselves.
What happens when the “colocation” tablet containing all the tables of a database becomes too large and starts impacting performance? Check out automatic tablet splitting [BETA].
Deferred constraints on foreign keys
Foreign keys in YSQL now support the DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE and DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED clauses. Work on deferring additional constraints, including those for primary keys, is in progress.
Application developers often declare constraints that their data must obey, leaving it to relational databases to enforce the rules. The end result is simpler application logic, lower error probability, and higher developer productivity. Automatic constraint enforcement is a powerful feature that should be leveraged whenever possible. There are times, however, when you need to temporarily defer enforcement. An example is during the data load of a relational schema where there are cyclic foreign key dependencies. Data migration tools usually defer the enforcement of foreign key dependencies to the end of a transaction by which data for all foreign keys would ideally be present. This should also allow YSQL to power Django apps.
yugabyted for single-node clusters
The yugabyted
server is now out of beta for single-node deployments. New users can start using YugabyteDB without needing to understand the underlying architectures acts as a parent server, reducing the need to understand data management by YB-TServers and metadata management by YB-Masters.
See it in action by following the updated Quick start. For details, see yugabyted
in the Reference section.
Automatic tablet splitting [BETA]
- YugabyteDB now supports automatic tablet splitting, resharding your data by changing the number of tablets at runtime. For details, see Tablet splitting and Automatic Resharding of Data with Tablet Splitting. #1004, #1461, and #1462
- To enable automatic tablet splitting, use the new
flag to specify the size when tablets should split.
TPC-C benchmarking
New results are now available for benchmarking the performance of the YSQL API using the TPC-C suite. For the new TPC-C results and details on performing your own benchmark tests to evaluate YugabyteDB, see TPC-C.
Transactional distributed backups
YugabyteDB supports distributed backup and restore of YCQL databases and tables. #1139 and #3849
Online index backfills
- YugabyteDB can now build indexes on non-empty tables while online, without failing other concurrent writes. When you add a new index to a table that is already populated with data, you can now use the YCQL CREATE INDEX statement to enable building these indexes in an online manner, without requiring downtime. For details how online backfill of indexes works, see the Online Index Backfill design document.
- In YCQL, backfilling an index while online is enabled by default. To disable, set the
flag tofalse
when starting YB-TServers. For details on how online index backfill works, see Online Index Backfill. #2301 and #4708
Online schema changes for YCQL [BETA]
Most applications have a need to frequently evolve the database schema, while simultaneously ensuring zero downtime during those schema change operations. Therefore, there is a need for schema migrations (which involve DDL operations) to be safely run in a concurrent and online manner alongside foreground client operations. In case of a failure, the schema change should be rolled back and not leave the database in a partially modified state. With the 2.2 release, not only the overall DocDB framework for supporting such schema changes in an online and safe manner has been introduced but also this feature is now available in beta in the context of YCQL using the ALTER TABLE
Automatic tablet splitting [BETA]
- YugabyteDB now supports automatic tablet splitting at runtime by changing the number of tablets based on size thresholds. For details, see Tablet splitting and Automatic Resharding of Data with Tablet Splitting. #1004, #1461, and #1462
- To enable automatic tablet splitting, use the new
flag to specify the size when tablets should split.
Release notes
v2.2.7 - Feb 19, 2021
docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:
Bug Fixes
Yugabyte Platform
- Backup-related tasks (schedules, restores, deletes) failed when the storage configuration was deleted 6680, 6882
- Fixed incorrect selection of the preferred leader zones 6743
- Removed the "Transactions" plot line from YSQL Ops and Latency graphs 6839
- Added ability to specify allowed (and disallowed) SSL protocols 6865
Core Database
- Fixed build issues on 2.2 due to Clang version 5458, 5812
- Avoid running out of threads due to FailureDetector 5752
- Fix backup-restore issues when source table was altered before 5958
- ybase: a blacklisted TS' initial load was not replicated during master failover 6397
- YCQL: Fixed range deletes to start and end at specified primary key bounds 6649
- YCQL: Fixed a bug with an index update on a list after an overwrite 6735
- YCQL: Fixed JSONB operator execution when applying to NULL objects 6766
- YCQL: Fixed parser typo when scanning binary values 6827
- YCQL: Fix case-insensitive pattern matching for audit logging 6836
v2.2.6 - Dec 28, 2020
Bug Fixes
Yugabyte Platform
- Creating a TLS enabled universe with a custom home dir setting in on-prem provider fails (6602)
Core Database
- [docdb]: Speedup system.partitions queries (6394 and 6434)
- [docdb]: fixed bloom filter index generation for range-partitioned tablets (6435)
- [docdb]: fixed handling of empty bloom filter key in the write path (6435)
- [YSQL]: Refresh YBCache in case Postgres clears its internal cache (6430)
Known Issues
Yugabyte Platform
- Tasks page reports an incorrect status of failed backup (6210)
v2.2.5 - Dec 2, 2020
Bug Fixes
Yugabyte Platform
- Fix for updating user profile when SMTP username or password is empty (6257)
- Fix for editing YugabyteDB Universe placement info logic (6250)
- Fixes to delete unnecessary Prometheus snapshot when backing up YB Platform data (6175)
- Fix for an issue where Client Certificates are not valid on download due to incorrect validity time (6118)
- Safeguard extra migration for pre-provisioning (6181)
Core Database
- Fix handling SSL write errors and Replace retry counter with a check that data is ready (6266)
- Fix TServer crash with YEDIS workloads and snapshot restore (6338)
- Disable Rocksdb flush on all DeleteTablet calls (6353)
- Shutdown status resolver before destroying it in ResolveIntents (6170)
Known Issues
Yugabyte Platform
- Tasks page reports incorrect status of failed backup (6210)
Platform Support Package Improvements
(Only applicable to Non-Replicated installations)
Yugabyte Platform
- It is required to pull the latest
for the fix related to issue - Fixes to delete unnecessary Prometheus snapshot when backing up YB Platform data (6175)
v2.2.4 - October 30, 2020
New features
Yugabyte Platform
- Yugabyte Platform operations now allow promoting a Yugabyte TServer only node to run Yugabyte Master and TServer process (5831)
Yugabyte Platform
- Enhancements to on-prem Cloud Provider configuration
When creating onprem universes, YW will automatically run provisioning if airgap is enabled now, instead of asking the users to run the pre-provision script. Users will need to run the script only when creating universes without passwordless sudo access.
Do not fail universe creation if cronjobs can't be created for on-prem (5939)
Remove pre-provision script requirement for air-gapped installations (5929)
"Sudo passwordless" in on-prem cloud provider configuration toggle is renamed to “Manually Provision Node”
Added a new "Advanced" section in on-prem cloud provider configuration which includes
- Use hostnames
- Desired home directory
- Node exporter settings
Pre-provisioning of ‘yugabyte’ user is supported for on-prem Cloud Provider. (YB devops script won't run
if yugabyte user already exists) (#6086) -
Improvements to installation of Prometheus Node Exporter utility workflow (5926)
- Prometheus Node exporter option is now available in the cloud configuration under advanced settings
- Supports bringing your own node exporter user
- UI/UX improvements for YB Platform
- Use the correct disk mount while calculating the disk usage of logs (#5983)
Core Database
- YSQL Support ROWS_PER_TRANSACTION option for COPY FROM stdin (6069)
Bug Fixes
Yugabyte Platform
- [Replicated] Fixed an issue that would leave Replicated in a bad state if the network connection drops while uploading an airgap bundle, preventing the installation from proceeding. (https://release-notes.replicated.com/release-notes/2.49.0/)
- Fix for the check if changing node count by AZ affects master node placement and requires a full move (#5335)
- Fix delete backup failure for TLS enabled universes (#5980)
- Universe disk usage shows up empty on the universe page (#5548)
- Fix for starting a YB TServer Node when another YB Master is down causes issues (#5739)
- Fix platform backup script for replicated installations (#6130)
Core Database
- [docdb] Fix a rare bug on restore which could clear more metadata than necessary #5788
- [docdb] Fix a rare race condition between transactions and snapshots that could lead to a deadlock #6170
- [YSQL] Fix an issue with setting bind address for YSQL metrics endpoint for IPv6 scenarios (#4901)
- [YCQL] Fix for bug with the duplicate row detection that allows a unique index to get created when the table is not unique on the index column(s) (5811)
- [YCQL] Fix a bug with update and expression indexes, where an index row would get deleted if the column is updated without changing the indexed value (expression) (5898)
- [YSQL] Fix OOM with \copy or COPY FROM stdin for large files (5603)
Known Issues
Yugabyte Platform
- Client Certificates are not valid on download due to incorrect validity time (6118)
- Tasks page reports incorrect status of failed backup (6210)
Platform Support Package Improvements
(Only applicable to Non-Replicated installations)
Yugabyte Platform
- Fix for On-prem YB Platform backup fails due to file owned by root (6062)
v2.2.3 – September 30, 2020
docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:
New features
Yugabyte Platform
- Enhancements to RBAC with a new “Backup Admin” role which allows all read-only permissions plus back up operations #5311
- Display table sizes in the Tables page #3581
- On-prem Cloud provider instances table list can be sorted and filtered #4757
- API for disabling auto-generation of database nodes certificate #5545
- Backup retention policy for auto-deletion of older backups #4493
Core database
- [YCQL] Introducing Audit Logging feature for YCQL operations #5887
- [YSQL] Support for
type that does not require on-disk changes #4424 - [YSQL] Support for Transactional batch size in
command syntax #2855, #5453 - [YCQL] Finer grained permission control for
#5443 - [YSQL] Enable 2DC replication bootstrap for YSQL Tables #5601
Yugabyte Platform
- Backup improvements
- YCQL, YSQL, and YEDIS backups are split into different tabs on backup UI screen
- Back up operation creates a single restore object regardless of “transactional” field selection
- Added a new field parallel thread for multi-threading backups
- YSQL backups only support namespace level backup
- Backup table list has been revamped with the new UX and shows more details - expiration time, duration, backup ty
- Universe can be restored with a single action
- Backup objects can be manually deleted
- Scheduled backups
expression shows the next run time in local browser time and the label displays thatcron
supports UTC only #4709
- Improve the Replication graph for xDC replication set up to display the graph and metric names cleanly #5429
- UI improvements for displaying On-prem instances
- Instance ID is now optional and also shown in the nodes page #4760
- “In Use” column has been renamed to “Universe Name”
- Supports adding multiple instances in different rows instead of comma-separated entries
- Supports generating API tokens for SSO-enabled users
- Yugabyte Platform restart cancels any tasks that were in progress
- Remove
requirement in DB backup script #5440
Core database
- [DocDB] Removal of unreachable (dead) nodes from YugabyteDB UI #4759
- [DocDB] Improvements with selecting better default flags for Index backfill #5494
- [DocDB] Lower the leader load balancer parallelism for performance improvements #5461
Bug fixes
Yugabyte Platform
- [Platform] Security hardening: Added CSRF token support
- [Platform] Support for PingFederate OIDC SSO login for Non Replicated deployments
- [Platform] Allow on-prem nodes to be reused after releasing them from a universe #5703
Core Database
- [YCQL] Fix for CQL Index scans when
columns exist in table but not in chosen index #5690 - [YSQL] Avoids Pushdown down of
clause #5366 - [YSQL] Fix for UPDATE operation with partial and expression Indexes #4939
- [YSQL] OOM issue fix in
query #2855 - [YSQL] OOM issue fix in
query #5205 - [DocDB] Crash fix for DNS-enabled Yugabyte Universes #5561
- [DocDB] Fix for in-memory state not getting updated correctly when using read-from-follower query semantics #1052
- [DocDB] For Yugabyte Universes using cross-cluster async replication (2DC), added RPC throttling on idle CDC tables to avoid wasting CPU #5472
- [DocDB] Fix for rare deadlock scenario when the node switches from Leader to Follower state of the tablet and there are pending operations on Leader side #5741
- [DocDB] Fix to ensure all Yugabyte Tablet Servers are accounted for when Master fails over #5501
Known Issues
Yugabyte Platform
- Universe disk usage shows up empty on the universe page #5548
Platform Support Package Improvements (Only applicable to Non-Replicated installations)
Yugabyte Platform
- Platform backup script needs to preserve attributes on copy from Prometheus snapshot #5612
- Platform backup fails if
directory does not exist #5615 - Platform backup script needs to stop Prometheus service during the restore of Prometheus data #5685
v2.2.2 - August 19, 2020
docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:
- Fix failed backup if restored table was deleted before restoration. #5274
- Newly elected YB-Master leader should pause before initiating load balancing. #5221
- Fix backfilling to better handle large indexed table tablets. #5031
- Fix
statement should work with databases deleted on YB-Master. #4710 - For non-prepared statements, optimize
system table lookups. #5051 - [CDC] Avoid periodic querying of the
table for xDC metrics if there are no replication streams enabled. #5173
- Implement DNS cache to significantly reduce CPU loads due to a large number of DNS resolution requests (especially for YCQL connections). Adds
flag (default is 1 minute). #5201 - Fixed incorrect names de-mangling in index creation from
. #5157 - Fixed crashes when inserting literals containing newline characters. #5270
- Reuse CQL parser between processors to improve memory usage. Add new
flag to control processor allocation. #5057
Core database
- Fix
fails to start UI due to class binding failure. #5069 - Show hostnames in YB-Master and YB-TServer Admin UI when hostnames are specified in
, andserver_broadcast_addresses
flags. #5002 - Skip tablets without intents during commits, for example, the case of an update of a non-existing row. #5321
- Fix log spew when applying unknown transaction and release a mutex as soon as possible when transaction is not found. #5315
- Fix snapshots cleanup when snapshots removed before restart. #5337
- Replace
when checking for restart-safe timestamps in WAL entries. #5314 - Replace all CHECK in the load balancer code with
. #5182 - Implement DNS cache to significantly reduce CPU loads due to a large number of DNS resolution requests (especially for YCQL connections). Adds YB-Master
flag (default is 1 minute). #5201 - Avoid duplicate DNS requests when handling
table requests. #5225 - Fix leader load balancing can cause
failures if stepdown task is pending on next run. Sets global leader balance threshold while allowing progress to be made across tables. Adds new YB-Masterload_balancer_max_concurrent_moves_per_table
flag to limit number of leader moves per table. #5181 and #5021 - Set the async
initialization future inTabletPeer
constructor to ensure tablet bootstrap logic can resolve transaction statuses. #5215 - Handle write operation failures during tablet bootstrap. #5224
- Drop index upon failed backfill. #5144 #5161
- Fix WAL overwriting by new leader and replay of incorrect entries on tablet bootstrap. #5003 #3759 #4983
- Avoid taking unique lock when starting lookup request. #5059
- Set 2DC lag metrics to
if not the leader and if the replication is deleted. #5113 - Set the table to ALTERING state when
is populated. #5139 Not the leader
errors should not cause a replica to be marked as failed. #5072- Use difference between follower's hybrid time and its safe time as a measure of staleness. #4868
Yugabyte Platform
- Add Master section below Tablet Server section in Metrics page. #5233
- Add
metrics for YSQL and YCQL APIs. #5223 - Fix restore payload when renaming table to include keyspace. Disable keyspace field when restoring universe backup. #5178
- Pass in
to air-gap provision script and add to on-premise template. #5132 - Add the
flag to AZCopy for multi-table restore. #5163 - Fix transactional backup with specified tables list by including keyspace in payload. #5149
- Fix undefine object property error when Prometheus is unavailable and navigating to the Replication tab. #5146
- Backups should take provider-level environment variables, including home directory. #5064
- Add hostname and display in the Nodes page along with node name and IP address. #4760
- Support option of DNS names instead of IP addresses for nodes. Add option in Admin UI to choose between using hostnames or IP addresses for on-premises provider. #4951 #4950
- Disable glob before running cleanup of old log files using
. Fixes issue on Red Hat. #5169 - Fix Replication graph units and missing graph in Replication tab when metrics exist. #5423
v2.2.0 - July 15, 2020
docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:
- Support presplitting using CREATE INDEX...SPLIT INTO for range-partitioned table indexes. For details, see Presplitting. #4235
- Fix crash for nested
statements that involve null pushdown on system tables. #4685 - Fix wrong sorting order in presplit tables. #4651
- To help track down unoptimized (or "slow") queries, use the new
. #4817 - Enhance the
yb-admin list_tables
command with optional flags for listing tables with database type (include_db_type
), table ID (include_table_id
), and table type (include_table_type
). This command replaces the deprecatedyb-admin list_tables_with_db_types
command. #4546 - Add support for
on colocated tables. #4293 - Improve logic for index delete permissions. #4980
- Add fast path option for index backfill when certain statements can create indexes without unnecessary overhead from online schema migration (for example,
with unique column constraint). Skip index backfill for unsupported statements, includingDROP INDEX
, "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON`, and index create in postgres nested DDL). [#4918] - Suppress
incomplete startup packet
messages in YSQL logs. #4813 - Improve YSQL create namespace failure handling. #3979
- Add error messages to table schema version mismatch errors so they are more understandable. [#4810]
- Increase the default DDL operations timeout to 120 seconds to allow for multi-region deployments, where a CREATE DATABASE statement can take longer than one minute. #4762
- Throttle YCQL calls when soft memory limit is reached. Two new flags,
can be used to control it. #4973 - Implements a password cache to allow connections to be created more quickly from recently used accounts. Helps reduce high CPU usage when using YCQL authorization. #4596
- Fix
column doesn't exist
error when an index is created on a column which is a prefix of another column. #4881 - Fix crashes when using ORDER BY for non-existent column with index scan. #4908
Core database
- Add HTTP endpoints for determining master leadership and returning information on masters. #2606
: Returns all master statuses.<web>/api/v1/is-leader
: Returns200 OK
response status code when the master is a leader and503 Service Unavailable
when the master is not a leader.
- Add HTTP endpoint
for YB-Master to return the current cluster configuration in JSON format. #4748- Thanks, AbdallahKhaled93, for your contribution!
- Output of
yb-admin get_universe_config
command is now in JSON format for easier parsing. [#4589]#1462 - Add
yugabyted destroy
command. [#3872]#3849 - Change logic used to determine if the load balancer is idle. #4707
- Default to IPv4 addresses for DNS resolution and local addresses. #4851
- Add a Grafana dashboard for YugabyteDB. #4725
- [CDC] Check for table properties equivalence when comparing schemas in 2DC setups and ignore properties that don't need to be the same. #4233
- [DocDB] Allow multiple indexes to backfill or delete simultaneously. #2784
- [DocDB] Transition to new leader gracefully during a leader stepdown. When a leader stepdown happens with no new leader candidate specified in the stepdown request, the peer simply steps down leaving the group with no leader until regular heartbeat timeouts are triggered. This change makes it so that the leader attempts to transition to the most up-to-date peer, if possible. #4298
- Update
yb-admin list_snapshots
command to usenot_show_restored
option to exclude fully RESTORED entries. #4351 - [DocDB] Clean up leftover snapshot files from failed snapshots that resulted in remote bootstrap getting stuck in a failure loop. #4745
- [DocDB] Clean up metadata in memory after deleting snapshots. #4887
- [DocDB] Fix snapshots getting stuck in retry loop with deleted table. #4610 and #4302
- [DocDB] When using
yb-admin master_leader_stepdown
, specifying a new leader is now optional. #4722 - [DocDB] Add breakdown of disk space on TServer dashboard. #4767
- [DocDB] Suppress
from logging harmless "Failed to schedule invoking callback on response" warning. #4131 - [DocDB] Allow specifying IPv6 addresses in bind addresses. #3644
- [DocDB] Fix TS Heartbeater can get stuck if master network connectivity breaks. #4838
- [DocDB] Improve protection against hitting hard memory limit when follower tablet peers are lagging behind leaders on a node. (for example, node downtime because of yb-tserver restart). #2563
flag renamed to--listen
. #4960- Fix malformed URL for ycql rpcz when clicking YCQL Live Ops link in the YB-TServer utilities page. #4886
- Fix export name for YCQL metrics. #4955
- Fix YB-Master UI to show correct number of tablets for colocated tables. #4699
Yugabyte Platform
- Add option to back up and restore YSQL databases and universe-level transactional backups. #3849
- On the Universes page, the Replication tab displays by default and adds default state when replication lag metric query returns no data.
- Add Replication tab to Universe overview tab list if enabled and query for replication lag metrics. [#]
- Add replication lag metrics
(last applied time on producer - last polled for record) andasync_replication_committed_lag_micros
(last applied time on producer * last applied time on consumer) for 2DC replication and export to Prometheus. #2154 - Retrieve IAM Instance Profile Credentials for backups. This retrieves the
and set these in the configuration so that data nodes inherit the required IAM permissions to access S3. #3451 and #4900 - Add option to create a backup of multiple YCQL transactional tables. #4540
- Add support for c5d instance types. #4914
- Add support for installing epel-release in Amazon Linux. #4561
- Fixed requested TLS client certificate generated with expired date and ysqlsh fails to connect. #4732
- Fixed universe fails to create if user-supplied certificate is selected. #4733
- Implement OAuth2/SSO authentication for Yugabyte Platform sign-in. #4633 and #4420
- Add backup and restore options for YSQL tables and universe-level transactional backups. #3849
- Retrieve IAM Instance Profile Credentials for backups. This retrieves the
and set these in the configuration so that data nodes inherit the required IAM permissions to access S3. #4900 - In the Health and Alerting tab of the Admin Console, the Username and Password fields in Custom SMTP Configuration are now optional. #4952
- Fix password reset in customer profile page. #4666 and #3909
- Fix Backups page not loading when there is a pending task. #4754
- Change UI text displaying "GFlag" to "Flag" in the Admin Console. #4659