Install Yugabyte Platform software - Kubernetes
Install Yugabyte Platform on a Kubernetes Cluster
You install Yugabyte Platform on a Kubernetes cluster as follows:
Create a namespace by executing the following
kubectl create namespace
command:kubectl create namespace yb-platform
Apply the Yugabyte Platform secret that you obtained from Yugabyte by running the following
kubectl create
command:kubectl create -f yugabyte-k8s-secret.yml -n yb-platform
Expect the following output notifying you that the secret was created:
secret/yugabyte-k8s-pull-secret created
Run the following
helm repo add
command to clone the YugabyteDB charts repository:helm repo add yugabytedb
A message similar to the following should appear:
"yugabytedb" has been added to your repositories
To search for the available chart version, run this command:
helm search repo yugabytedb/yugaware -l
The latest Helm Chart version and App version will be displayed:
NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION yugabytedb/yugaware 2.11.2 YugaWare is YugaByte Database's Orchestration a...
Run the following
helm install
command to install the Yugabyte Platform (yugaware
) Helm chart:helm install yw-test yugabytedb/yugaware --version 2.11.2 -n yb-platform --wait
Optionally, set the TLS version for Nginx frontend by using
operational directive in the Helm installation, as follows:helm install yw-test yugabytedb/yugaware --version 2.11.2 -n yb-platform --wait --set tls.sslProtocols="TLSv1.2"
Use the following command to check the service:
kubectl get svc -n yb-platform
The following output should appear:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE yw-test-yugaware-ui LoadBalancer 80:32006/TCP,9090:30691/TCP 2m12s
Customize Yugabyte Platform
You can customize Yugabyte Platform on a Kubernetes cluster in a number of ways, such as the following:
You can change CPU and memory resources by executing a command similar to the following:
helm install yw-test yugabytedb/yugaware -n yb-platform \ --set yugaware.resources.requests.cpu=2 \ --set yugaware.resources.requests.memory=4Gi \ --set yugaware.resources.limits.cpu=2 \ --set yugaware.resources.limits.memory=4Gi \ --set prometheus.resources.requests.mem=6Gi
You can disable the public-facing load balancer by providing the annotations to Yugabyte Platform service for disabling that load balancer. Since every cloud provider has different annontations for doing this, refer to the following documentation:
For example, for a GKE version earlier than 1.17, you would run a command similar to the following:helm install yw-test yugabytedb/yugaware -n yb-platform \ --set yugaware.service.annotations."cloud\.google\.com\/load-balancer-type"="Internal"
Delete the Helm Installation of Yugabyte Platform
To delete the Helm installation, run the following command:
helm uninstall yw-test -n yb-platform